Pros and Cons of TikTok Ads for Marketing

What started as a platform overrun with Gen Z kids filming short videos of themselves dancing and talking about their Dunkin’ Donuts orders has become a cornerstone of social media. With over 1 billion active users around the world, TikTok is now a common topic of conversation across generations and industries. So much so that it’s become a key focus in the world of digital marketing and advertising. 

For those who don’t keep a finger on the pulse of social networking websites, TikTok is a hub for short-form videos. It utilizes an algorithm that tailors a feed of videos to each user based on their interactions on the app, the videos they upload themselves, the accounts they follow, the time they spend watching each video, and their account and device settings. 

The app lends itself to brand and product discovery by making this endless stream of curated videos its landing page (also known as the “For You Page”). Consider it an all-you-can-eat buffet of unlimited foods that you, and only you, might enjoy. TikTok implements paid ads into your feed seamlessly, making it hard to tell if you’re seeing an ad or just another video relevant to your interests and interactions on the app. Seems like a win for subtle brand plugs. All things considered, however, advertising on TikTok isn’t for everyone. While some brands excel and grow exponentially via exposure on the app, others will spend a significant amount of money and see little to no rewards due to the nature of it being such a popular social media outlet (content can sometimes get lost in the abyss). 

Below is a tally of the pros and cons associated with running TikTok ads so you can decide if it’s right for you!


Hooking Your Viewers

You only have about 3 seconds to hook your audience before they move on to the next video. Watching a video all the way through is a sign of strong interest in the content. If users don't become immediately intrigued by your ad, they’re likely to scroll past and never look back.


TikTok is a very informal take on social media, so creating an ad doesn’t necessarily require high-quality (expensive) video shoots. In fact, appearing too professional can be a turn-off to the millions of users scrolling for a laugh or a relatable meme. However, it’s important to note what it takes monetarily to run an ad on the platform. TikTok requires a $500 minimum ad spend with a minimum daily campaign budget of $50. Their minimum is significantly higher than other social media platforms and can be a lofty price tag for smaller start-ups.

Fast-Paced Trends

The trends on TikTok are arguably the hardest to keep up with, as they often don’t last more than three to seven days. The algorithm will prioritize videos that utilize trending sounds and music, but you have to act fast to participate before users are on to the next trend. Creating and posting relevant videos at this pace can be difficult for brands that don’t solely focus on TikTok Ads and content.


“TikTok is Addicting”

People who are on TikTok love the platform. The average user spends 52 minutes a day on the app, opening it approximately eight times a day. With people constantly spending time on the platform, there’s ample opportunity to get your ads in front of your target audience.

Increasing and understanding more about your audience

As a company, your main goal is to consistently increase brand awareness. TikTok provides great analytic insights based on the ads you run to help you understand your audience from a new perspective. The app is available in over 150 countries and is currently the seventh most popular social media platform. It boasts an incredibly diverse user base, allowing you the ability to gain interest, no matter how niche the products or services you wish to promote might be.

Raw, honest content works best!

Compared to Instagram, TikTok doesn’t feel nearly as buttoned up and professional. TikTok content creators revel in the transparency the app allows and are often criticized for appearing “fake” in overly-edited videos. This means your ads don’t have to be professionally shot. As long as your content maintains your target audience’s attention, there is no expectation for flawless angles and idyllic surroundings.

Ready to advertise on TikTok? Let our team guide you through the process. Contact us today for more information.


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