Facebook Retargeting Tactic: Top 3 Product or Page URLs

There are many ways to get new users and previous users to your site to buy products or inquire about services. So, how do you narrow your targeting to only the best users to save your time and money? 

We utilize our clients top 3 trafficked pages or products to help get to our highest performing audiences.

There are a few different ways you can see which pages drive the most traffic for you; we use Google Analytics, but eCommerce platforms like Shopify offer basic insights into page performance as well.

  • If you’re using Google Analytics, you’ll find your top 3 products by choosing Conversions from the main dashboard, then Product Performance. We typically sort these by highest product revenue and note the 3 top products.

  • To find your top 3 pages in Google Analytics, you’ll go to BehaviorSite Content, and sort by Pageviews.

  • After you have your top 3 products and/or pages, go to Facebook Ads Manager and navigate to the upper left menu and choose Audiences:

  • From there, you’ll choose the blue button on your left that says Create Audience, choose Custom Audience from the dropdown, and it’ll open to this pop-up window:

  • Choose Website from the sources section and the window will look like this:

  • Open the dropdown menu that says and choose people who visited specific web pages; this will let you put in the URLs for your most trafficked products or pages.

  • You’ll want to use the relative URL of whatever links you’re working with, so if you found most people go to your shop all page, you would put in /collections/all/ if you have a Shopify site versus https://mystore.com/collections/all/ (absolute URL).


Here are some of our favorite ways to target customers on social by URL:

  • Add frequency targeting to more than 2 hits in 180 days (under Further refine by) to narrow your audience a bit.

  • Target /cart views to get the people who are still on the fence but likely to buy (we like to target them with free shipping copy vs. discount or branded copy).

  • Add these audiences to a catalog campaign and retarget anyone who’s looked at your best-performing collection.


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