Life Event Targeting

First party customer data targeting is clearly becoming the key to success in paid social marketing, and we continue to find success with select in-platform data. In particular, we lean on what we call “life event” data. This includes important dates such as:

  • Birthdays

  • Friends with Birthdays

  • Anniversaries

  • Friends with Anniversaries

  • Recently Moved

  • Recently Engaged

  • Recently Married

  • Friends with Recent Marriages

  • Newborn Children

  • Friends with Newborn Children

The theory here is that when something big happens in your life, you are more likely to splash the cash on yourself or a loved one. Many of our clients are consumer-focused brands, which makes these events more relevant for both gifting and “treat yourself” moments for consumers vs. a B2B client. 

Consider your product when determining which life events are right for you. For example, one client sells high end artwork, which is a great fit for the Recently Moved segment as this customer is probably considering filling their new home’s empty walls with artwork. Think about all of the things that might be purchased anew when you change homes... new lawn equipment, artwork, furniture, plants, etc.

The trick is to consider not only the life events that might apply to your product, but to also message these individual audiences for maximum effect. For example, in our artwork client, we adjusted the ad copy to mention their moving event:

“New home? Your bare walls are crying out for new art! Shop our collection perfect for large statement prints or salon-style wall hangings.”

For bonus points, if you are a Klaviyo user, leverage your own data when possible. Create a segment in Klaviyo based on birthday data and any other life event data you might collect (you have to have these fields as a customer input, so if you don’t this won’t be possible) and use the FB integration to share this data directly into your ads for live data that refreshes as your lists grow.

And then for the gold star, create lookalike profiles based on your Klaviyo live data. Now you're not just retargeting your existing customers, but finding new ones based on their attributes. Woot woot!


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Using Case Studies in B2B Ads for Full Funnel Marketing